Jany Belluz

blog résumé projects

25 Jan 2014

About this website


Stylesheets and HTML layouts are based on the default ones from the Jekyll project, and are published under the MIT License.

License files to be downloaded here, there, hither & yon.

As for fonts, body text uses Charter, a free design by Bitstream, with small caps1 extracted from Charis SIL, another free font based on Charter, by the SIL group. Titles are set in League Gothic, a free typeface brought to you by The League of Movable Type. And finally, fixed-width text uses my own Fantasque Sans Mono.

I reserve all rights over the other contents of this website. In terms of Git repository, that includes the first level .markdown files, everything under the _posts directory, and everything I own in the public repository. Other stuff inside public is copyright by their respective owners.

About the design

Most of design choices have been inspired by the reading of Butterick’s Practical Typography. I also use color codes from the Solarized scheme, even though I guess I do not use them as intended. Here are some examples of various HTML elements.

Tech items

You most certainly heartily desire to know every little detail about the technological tools I use everyday. Let me satisfy your curiosity.

I also have a Wacom Pen&Touch tablet, but I do not use it very often.

I use a Lenovo Yoga 13, which is really good.
My phone is all but smart. It calls people. That's about it.

Two Inspirational Quotes That Will Blow Your Mind (and some code)

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. — Martin Fowler

I may not always achieve that goal, but at least I try.

Try not. Do or do not. There is no try. — Yoda

Anyway, let’s have a look at this marvelously entertaining snippet2 of high quality Python code:

def send_bytes(self, *bytes_to_send):
    '''Sends the given bytes, preceded by a synchronisation.'''
    for b in bytes_to_send:

def set_mode(self, mode):
    '''set the mode of the MD49'''
    self.send_bytes(Commands.SET_MODE, mode)

def stop_wheels(self):
    '''stop both motors'''
    self.send_bytes(Commands.SET_SPEED_1_OR_BOTH, Speeds.NONE)
    self.send_bytes(Commands.SET_SPEED_2_OR_TURN, Speeds.NONE)

Tea and other edibles

Tea: gentlemen’s coffee.
— some tee-shirt

I also take lifestyle advice from clothing items.

I like tea. Where do I get it? Here is very insightful comparison of my two favorite tea shops. Of course, they both serve great tea.

Name Where Why it’s good
Jardin du Thé Grenoble Friendly staff and good pastries.
Mariage Frères Paris Classy French touch.

Now, what about a list of my favourite foods?

  • Cheese
    1. Mozzarella
    2. Comté
    3. Langres
  • Fruit
    • Dry
      1. Raisin
      2. Apple
    • Fresh
      • Any will do


Now this is about how I write my posts, and especially posts such as this very About this website post that you are reading. Here is the Markdown needed to get this paragraph and the code block below.

#### Meta-posting

Now this is about how I write my posts, and especially posts such as this very
[About this website](#) post that you are reading. Here is the Markdown needed
to get this paragraph and the code block below.

    #### Meta-posting
    Now this is about how I write my posts, and especially posts such as this very
    [About this website](#) post that you are reading. Here is the Markdown needed
    to get this paragraph and the code block below.
        #### Someone call the Doctor
        Some big loop is about to rip apart the fabric of space and time.    

Since this code is a bit large, I decided that it should go full-width. That explains the {:.fullwidth} class. I do the same when I want stuff in the margin. For example

Deep margin thoughts.

Deep margin thoughts.

gives the margin stuff on the left.

When I was a child, I used to do a lot of the things that children usually do, except when I did something unusual, which may have happened, or not.

When I want to tell a whole story in the margin, I make it smaller so it does not spread its insignificance over multiple pages. It is then sufficient to add the .note class, such as in

When I was a child, I used to do a lot of the things
that children usually do, except when I did something
unusual, which may have happened, or not.
  1. Having read in Butterick’s book (and agreed) that fake small caps where inferior counterfeits, and Charter lacking real small caps (at least in the free version), I looked for a not-too-costly solution. There came the Charis SIL font, which in addition to its wide script support provided small caps through an Opentype feature. I used FontSquirrel’s webfont generator to subset it and activate by default the smcp feature. Finally I used FontForge to rename it and make its vertical metrics match those of Charter. 

  2. The whole code is available in the GitHub repository of the RobAir project